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Carolyn is an managing associate in the Planning team.

Carolyn advises on all aspects of planning law.

Carolyn specialises in all areas of contentious and non-contentious planning, compulsory purchase and highways law and acts for a range of clients spanning public, private and voluntary sector bodies. A large part of Carolyn’s practice involves advising national housebuilders and social housing providers in respect of a range of planning issues arising on development sites.


Carolyn has wide experience advising on planning agreements (section 106s) and planning conditions for a range of clients. She regularly acts for housebuilders and also has a large social housing practice where she advises on the securitisation implications of s106 provisions. Carolyn also regularly advises the Land Trust on the long term management and maintenance of open space provisions within s106 agreements.

Carolyn also has particular experience in advising national housebuilders on the complexities of the Community Infrastructure Levy.

Her experience also includes compulsory purchase, planning enforcement, highways and public rights of way matters, stopping up applications town and village green issues, tree preservation orders and felling licenses.

Projects on which she has advised include:

  • Acting for a national housebuilder in relation to a s106 agreement for a large mixed use site to include approximately 1,000 dwellings.
  • Acting on behalf of York City Council in relation to a S.106 Agreement for a large 1,100 unit mixed-use development.
  • Acting for a national housebuilder in relation to judicial review proceedings against the grant of outline planning permission and reserved matters approval.
  • Acting for a social housing provider in relation to a stopping up order determined at an inquiry.
  • Acting for a number of local authorities in respect of highways CPOs
  • Acting for a national housebuilder in relation to a re-stocking order under the Forestry Act 1967.

My insights