By offering a targeted review of the PFI contract, we can apply our understanding of the contractual arrangements to provide clear guidance to our clients on a number of specific issues.
To supplement our contractual review process, we also offer bespoke training designed to equip our public sector clients with the knowledge necessary to manage and navigate their PFI contracts effectively. Our market-leading experts can deliver clear and concise guidance on the contractual obligations under a PFI contract and provide feedback on how best to mitigate risks and enhance performance management strategies. Our training empowers clients to make informed decisions and drive project success.
Our detailed review procedure, coupled with our targeted training workshops, have often highlighted key issues to clients including:
Alerting an NHS Foundation Trust to overcharging by Project Co, thereby securing the recovery of significant sums
Highlighting to an NHS Foundation Trust that Project Co’s charge for patient damage was inappropriate and contrary to contract provisions, again securing the rebate of monies incorrectly charged
Identifying and notifying a client of the incorrect interpretation and application of the PFI contract resulting in recovery of £1.1m
Identifying and notifying a client of the incorrect application of indexation resulting in recovery of £2.1m
In response to the identification of specific issues, we can work with clients to determine whether one of our distinct PFI services would be useful to assist in progressing the matter(s) with Project Co, with an aim to ensure the interests of our clients are safeguarded throughout