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Local Authority round-up 30/08/24

Our Local Authority round up provides brief summaries of topical information on a weekly basis, to keep you aware of the changes and updates relevant to you.


Government secures £400 million investment to increase clinical trials and support the NHS

The Government has launched a joint public-private investment programme worth £400 million to create 18 clinical trial hubs to fast-track the development of new medicine to patients.

The Voluntary Scheme for Branded Medicine Pricing, Access and Growth (VPAG) Investment Programme will channel investment into the UK’s health and life sciences sector over the next 5 years to ensure treatments move swiftly from labs to wards, providing patients with faster access to treatments. The Government also hopes that the programme will boost economic growth and the global competitiveness of the UK’s life sciences sector.

The Government has said the funding will be utilised to achieve three key aims:

  • The programme will allocate 75% of its investment to expand the UK’s capacity and capability for commercial clinical trials with 18 new Commercial Research Delivery Centres (CRDCs) being established.
  • 20% of the funding will be utilised to support sustainable manufacturing initiatives, to reduce waste and emissions within the pharmaceutical sector.
  • The final 5% of the investment will focus on modernising HTA processes – a way to assess the cost and clinical effectiveness of new treatments – facilitating improved access to innovative medicines.

For more information please click here.

Planning and Housing

New expert team appointed to accelerate the buildout of houses across the UK

A newly appointed team from the Ministry of Housing and Homes England will look to work across Government and local councils in an effort accelerate the buildout of housing schemes delayed by planning and red tape.

The New Homes Accelerator will try to aid the collaboration between Government agencies, local planning departments and housebuilders to resolve local issues. With the potential benefit of reduced barriers to affordable housing delivery.

Government analysis suggests 200 sites have detailed plans but are yet to begin construction. The Accelerator will focus on supporting housebuilders and local communities to drive local and economic growth.

For more information please click here.


Government launches new project to boost the use of AI in the classroom

It is proposed that the programme, supported by £4 million in Government funding, will analyse curriculum guidance, lesson plans and anonymised pupil assessments in order to train AI tools to generate accurate, high-quality content, such as tailored lesson plans and workbooks.

The project is targeted at technology companies specialising in education to build tools which will help teachers mark work, create teaching materials for use in the classroom and assist with routine school admin.

This follows research which shows that parents want teachers to use generative AI to enable them to increase face-to-face teaching.

In response to the programme, the Department for Education has committed to publishing a safety framework on AI products for education later this year.

For more information please click here.

Upcoming Events

Webinar: Healthcare Employment Law Update

On Thursday 5th September at 10am, join our employment specialists who will be providing a wide-ranging update on the latest developments and case law in the field. Our experts will also examine the potential reforms that have emerged since the election, helping to clarify the uncertainties that many are currently facing. Additionally, you will be available to answer any questions you may have during the session.

To register your place please click here.


Webinar: Data Protection – The use of private messaging apps at work

Join our experts on Thursday 12th September between 12pm-1pm for the second webinar in our 2024 ‘Data Protection’ series, focusing on ‘the use of private messaging apps at work’.

Our commercial specialists will cover the following:

  • Corporate liability for things said and done by employees on private messaging apps;
  • Measures to put in place with employees to control private messaging use;
  • Private messaging and Article 28 of UK GDPR;
  • Private messaging and subject access requests;
  • Recent case law on the use of private messaging apps at work; and
  • Q&A Session: An opportunity for attendees to engage with our experts and clarify any queries or concerns.

To register your place please click here.

Please note that this briefing is designed to be informative, not advisory and represents our understanding of English law and practice as at the date indicated. We would always recommend that you should seek specific guidance on any particular legal issue.

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