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Local Authority round-up: 20/12/24

Our Local Authority round up provides brief summaries of topical information on a weekly basis, to keep you aware of the changes and updates relevant to you.


English Devolution White Paper published

The English Devolution White Paper outlines a new devolution framework in order to make provision for Mayors to adopt a more active role in Government.

Mayors in Greater Manchester, the West Midlands, South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, Liverpool City Region and the North East will be the first to receive new integrated funding settlements which cover housing, regeneration, local growth, transport, skills, retrofit and employment support.

The Paper also introduces ‘strategic authorities’ which are expected to have a “mandate to act strategically to drive growth” in the following areas of competence:

  • Transport and local infrastructure
  • Skills and employment support
  • Housing and strategic planning
  • Economic development and regeneration
  • Environment and climate change
  • Health, wellbeing and public service reform
  • Public safety

The Government has pledged to “reset” the relationship with local government “to give the sector more autonomy and put councils on the road to recovery”.

For more information please click here.


Government introduces planning reforms to achieve target of 1.5 million new homes

The revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) will introduce the following:

  • Councils will be expected to satisfy new mandatory housing targets to increase housebuilding and deliver growth.
  • Areas with the highest unaffordability for housing and greatest potential for growth will see housebuilding targets increase.
  • Stronger action will be taken to ensure councils adopt up-to-date local plans or develop new plans that work for their communities.
  • Councils will be required to review their greenbelt boundaries to meet targets, identifying and prioritising lower quality ‘grey belt’ land.

Any development on greenbelt must meet strict requirements, via the new ‘golden rules’, which require developers to provide the necessary infrastructure for local communities, such as nurseries, GP surgeries and transport, as well as a premium level of social and affordable housing.

The ‘golden rules’ are as follows:

  • Brownfield first.
  • Grey belt second.
  • Affordable homes.
  • Boost public services and infrastructure.
  • Improve genuine green spaces.

For more information please click here.


Ofsted publish their 2023/24 annual report

The Ofsted Annual Report details the following (among others):

  • The absence rate has risen since the pandemic, with disadvantaged and vulnerable children more likely to be persistently or severely absent.
  • The number of children with SEND continues to increase, putting more pressure on the already strained SEND system.
  • Not all children with an identified need will need an EHC plan. High-quality targeted support in mainstream schools and other early interventions can be made. If EHC plans are used too widely, the resources that follow them will always be stretched too thinly for those in most need.
  • The number of apprenticeships starting each year has decreased in recent years, but the quality of apprenticeships appears to be improving.

In the new year, Ofsted are expected to formally consult on a renewed inspection framework for schools, early years and further education providers. This should include the introduction of report cards, offering more detail about an education provider’s strengths and weaknesses.

For more information please click here.

For further information please contact Tim Care in our Public Sector Team

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