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Global Chair M&A role for leading North East corporate lawyer

A highly regarded lawyer at Ward Hadaway has been elected to a prestigious role in a global alliance of over 650 professional law and accountancy organisations.

Robert Thompson, who heads Ward Hadaway’s team of corporate solicitors, has been appointed as the Global Chair for The Geneva Group International (GGI) Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Practice Group by fellow members.

GGI is a multi-disciplinary worldwide alliance of professional services firms, each of whom must meet stringent high standards to gain membership. This enables members to provide quality-assured access for their clients to expertise right across the globe. With more than 620 member firms across more than 125 different countries, it is one of the world’s leading such alliances.

The M&A group provides best practice specialist advice for all corporate M&A activity and related law and dealmaking methodology. A key objective of the group is to encourage cross-border activity and joint projects between lawyers, accountants and dealmakers by tapping into an international support network of highly specialised expertise.

Michael Reiss von Filski, Global Chief Executive Officer of GGI, said: “We are delighted to welcome Robert Thompson as new Chairman of the GGI M&A Practice Group. Rob is an internationally renowned transactional Corporate Lawyer. The GGI M&A Practice Group serves as an important resource for M&A professionals throughout GGI, as well as throughout GCG, the affiliated network of M&A firms in GGI. The combined transaction volume of GCG member firms represents 58 billion USD with more than 4,300 M&A transactions successfully concluded.  For such an important role, GGI and GCG are delighted to count on the broad expertise and leadership of Rob Thompson.”

Robert Thompson has over 35 years’ experience as a legal dealmaker. Renowned for his strategic and incisive approach, technical excellence and pragmatic style. He is recognised in the hall of fame in Legal 500 and is the editor of the English Law “legal dealmaking bible” Sinclair on Warranties and Indemnities on Share and Asset Sales.

Talking about his new Global Chair role, he said: “I am honoured to become the Global Chair of the GGI M&A Practice Group.  Through the practice group, members can tap into international expertise and resources that they otherwise wouldn’t have easy access to. The global network enables legal, accounting and dealmaking professionals to think beyond their boundaries and go that extra mile for clients to close the best deal they can. For clients of Ward Hadaway it creates a unique opportunity to access financial markets and expertise that most local advisers simply do not have a seamless way of considering.”

Robert heads a 35-strong corporate team at Ward Hadaway, which has consistently appeared in the Top 10 in industry league tables for the busiest legal dealmakers in the UK.

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