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The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise in the North East

The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise are the most prestigious awards for UK businesses, recognising and rewarding their outstanding achievements in the fields of Innovation, International Trade, Sustainable Development and Promoting Opportunity (through social mobility).

Established by Royal Warrant in 1965, the Awards have a long history of recognising exceptional UK businesses.

This year, there were 7 winners in the North East. For the 2021 round, we want to encourage more businesses to apply, as we know that the North East has amazing potential and many outstanding businesses who deserve to be recognised with a Queen’s Award for Enterprise.

The benefits of winning an Award

The Awards can bring substantial benefits to winners, including: increased staff morale; boosts to turnover and international trade, greater recognition and excellent marketing opportunities. Winners are also invited to a reception at Buckingham Palace.

How to apply

The next application round is open from 1 May to 9 September 2020. Almost all UK businesses can apply, and the application process is free and straightforward. To find out more, contact the Queen’s Awards Office or visit their website

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