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Will I be able to speak to a lawyer to help me decide whether to make a personal injury claim?

Yes, we would be happy to answer your questions to help you to decide whether you wish to make a personal injury claim.

Related FAQs

ONLINE EVENT: How to avoid risks in customer agreements and supply chains during Covid-19

Hosted by Advanced Manufacturing Forum, Partner, Matt Cormack discussed in this webinar how to avoid risks associated with your customer and supply chain contracts during this challenging Covid-19 period.

The webinar covers common questions such as:

  • Can force majeure excuse me or my suppliers from paying on time?
  • What are the risks to my business if I can’t perform on time due to Covid-19?
  • What will happen to my contracts if the Government takes steps to require me to close down my facility?

To watch the full recording, please click here. (To note the recording begins at 10 minutes)

If you have any follow up questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our lawyers detailed below or use our ‘ask us a question‘ feature.

Is there a time limit on making an insurance claim?

All policies will impose a stringent obligation, often with time limits, for you to notify insurers of circumstances that may give rise to a potential claim under the policy and non-compliance may well negate your cover. If therefore you have potential cover under your policy you must make a precautionary notification to Insurers as soon as possible.

Can I dismiss someone who refuses to wear PPE?

Potentially, yes. If someone refuses to follow the health and safety measures that have been put in place to protect them, colleagues and possibly their customers, including (where appropriate) the use of PPE then this is a disciplinary issue and should be dealt with as such. Repeated failure to comply with the requirement to follow these measures, or a one off significant failure, may be sufficient to justify dismissal, depending on the circumstances.

What if I haven’t been left anything in a Will? Can I contest it?

There are several grounds upon which it is potentially possible to contest a person’s Will.  These include:

  • The person making the Will (the testator) lacked the necessary mental capacity
  • The testator either did not know or did not approve of the contents of their Will
  • The testator was improperly influenced into making the Will
  • The Will was not correctly executed
  • The Will is a forgery and/or was fraudulently obtained

All of these types of claim are known as “validity disputes”, because you are effectively disputing the validity of the Will itself.

On the other hand it may be that even if the Will is valid, you feel that it is unfair in that it does not make sufficient financial provision for you.  In those circumstances, it may be possible to bring a claim under a piece of legislation known as the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 (known simply as the 1975 Act).  The 1975 Act provides for certain classes of people to be able to apply to the court for greater financial provision out of a deceased person’s estate, and is explained in more detail below in the FAQs relating to financial provision.      

Can construction work be undertaken outside of any permitted hours to make up for site closures?

Many planning permissions contain a condition restricting the hours within which a developer can carry out construction work or are subject to an approved construction management plan setting out the permitted construction hours.

The Business and Planning Act 2020 entered the statute books on 22 July 2020. Section 16 of the Act incorporates a new S.74B into the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. The effect is that any condition/approved document which limits construction hours on a site could be amended through an application to the local planning authority. The application to the local planning authority must set out the date on which the proposed extension to construction hours shall cease (such date being no later than 1 April 2021, after which the original conditions over construction hours will resume). The local planning authority must determine the application within 14 days (beginning with the day after the application was submitted) otherwise there is deemed approval.

New guidance has been published alongside the Act and is available here