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What is the current guidance relating to Private Finance Initiatives and PF2 Projects in light of coronavirus?

On 2 April 2020, the Government issued guidance relating to Private Finance Initiatives and PF2 Projects. The guidance, which is to be enforced with immediate effect (currently due to stay in place until 30 June 2020), is one of several guidance notes issued to date.

A link to the guidance is set out below:

Key messages to contracting authorities

  • PFI contractors should very much consider themselves as being part of the public sector response to the current pandemic
  • Covid-19 is not regarded as, and is not to be classified as a force majeure event
  • PFI contractors must ensure that contingency plans are up to date and have been reviewed and discussed with contracting authorities to enable the continuity of full services to respond to the pandemic and maintain vital public services
  • Contracting authorities should work closely with PFI contractors to use all available options to maintain public services during the emergency period
  • Local arrangements should be made where PFI contractors can’t deliver the agreed requirements and performance standards
  • “Best efforts” should be made by all parties for the continuation of service provision

Related FAQs

The Media


The national broadcaster’s collated content surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic:

and with regards to business:

Am I obliged to offer staff flexible furlough?

No, there is no obligation on employers to offer a flexible furlough arrangement to staff. Operationally, flexible furlough may not be appropriate for your business and equally, returning on a part-time basis may not be suitable for individuals already furloughed for various reasons. Concerns about returning to work part-time or at all should be considered on a case-by-case basis.

What amounts to a dismissal?

For the purposes of collective consultation, making someone redundant and/or changing terms and conditions of employment, by termination and re-engagement, is also classed as a dismissal by reason of redundancy and so has the exact same consultation requirements.

Does Force Majeure apply to the leasing of commercial property?

Some commercial tenants have queried whether the current situation is a force majeure which may allow it to terminate the lease. Clauses which allow a party to terminate a lease for a force majeure event or, to put it another way, an “act of God”, are however extremely rare in modern commercial leases. Even if there is such a provision in your lease, it would need to be drafted to apply to an outbreak of disease.

How should we deal with existing petitions already presented at court prior to 27 April?

You should speak to your advisors. We do not know presently how existing petitions will be dealt with by the Court. We do know that if any winding up order is made (based on a petition presented after 27 April), it could be found to be void and a creditor may face challenges. Even for petitions presented before 27th April, there is a risk that the Court will not be keen to make a winding up order so it is important that you look at the facts of your debt and weigh up all of the factors before deciding how to proceed.