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Can I still have my domestic gas appliances tested during the coronavirus outbreak?

Yes. The Health and Safety Executive has stated (as quoted from the Gas safe register site):

“Landlords have a legal duty to repair and maintain gas pipework, flues and appliances in a safe condition, to ensure an annual gas safety check on each appliance and flue, and to keep a record of each safety check.

“If you anticipate difficulties in gaining access as the Covid-19 situation progresses, you have the flexibility to carry out annual gas safety checks two months before the deadline date. Landlords can have the annual gas safety checks at their properties carried out any time from 10 to 12 calendar months after the previous check and still retain the original deadline date as if the check had been carried out exactly 12 months after the previous check.

“You are encouraged to arrange your annual gas safety checks as early as possible, as a contingency against tenants being in self-isolation for 14 days (in line with current guidelines), or gas engineers being unavailable due to illness. The two-month period to carry out annual gas safety checks should provide adequate resilience in most situations.

“In the event you are unable to gain access to the property, e.g. persistent refusal of access due to vulnerable tenants self-isolating, you will be expected to be able to demonstrate that you took reasonable steps to comply with the law, and that you are seeking to arrange the safety check as soon as all parties are able. This will need to include records of communication with the tenant, and details of your engineers attempts to gain access.”

Many Registered Providers have been suspending all gas and electrical testing where internal access is required, continuing checks in communal areas and are carrying out emergency repairs only, whilst void works are suspended and staff are working from home. This does not comply with the legislation, or the guidance.

Related FAQs

If an employee refuses to come into work is their absence unauthorised and do I have to pay them?

This would depend on the reason as to why the employee is refusing to come into work. An unauthorised absence is where an employee fails to attend work and they do not have a statutory or contractual right, or their employer’s permission, to do so. An employer will not be obliged to pay employees their normal pay for periods of unauthorised absence.

There are some absences which may be viewed as authorised which would entitle the employee to their full pay. For instance, employees who believe that they are in serious and imminent danger by coming to work would be entitled to stay at home and receive pay if their belief is deemed reasonable.

An employer should always try to discuss any unauthorised absences with an employee. They may then consider whether to take disciplinary action against the employee.

The Government

Government’s Covid-19 landing page

Covid-19 recovery strategy

Working safely during Covid-19

Working safely during Covid-19: construction and other outdoor work

Working safely during Covid-19: factories, plants and warehouses

Working safely during Covid-19: labs and research facilities

Working safely during Covid-19: offices and contact centres

Working safely during Covid-19: other people’s homes

Working safely during Covid-19: restaurants offering takeaway or delivery

Working safely during Covid-19: shops and branches

Working safely during Covid-19: vehicles

Business support: loans, tax relief and grants for businesses, employees and self-employed people

Education and childcare

Housing and accommodation: renting: guidance for landlords, tenants and local authorities

Housing and accommodation: moving home

Housing and accommodation: planning inspections

Healthcare workers, carers and care settings: NHS guidance for people working in healthcare

Healthcare workers, carers and care settings: PPE hub

Healthcare workers, carers and care settings: adult social care guidance

Healthcare workers, carers and care settings: shielding and protecting people who are clinically extremely vulnerable

Healthcare workers, carers and care settings: adult social care guidance

Healthcare workers, carers and care settings: health, care and volunteer workers parking pass and concessions

International travel and immigration: travel advice for British citizens travelling abroad

International travel and immigration: foreign travel advice for each country

International travel and immigration: waiting to return to the UK

International travel and immigration: essential international travel guidance

International travel and immigration: advice for UK visa applicants and temporary UK residents

Government’s financial support for businesses

This page help businesses find out how to access the support that has been made available, who is eligible, when the schemes open and how to apply.

Rishi Sunak

The Twitter feed of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, where he has published various responses to some FAQs from the public.

What will be the added cost to business of furloughing staff from 1 July 2021?

Similar to the position for claims between 1 August 2020 and 31 October 2020, for claims between 1 July 2021 and 30 September 2021 there will be a cost to businesses of furloughing staff, which will gradually increase until the scheme closes at the end of September as follows.

  • From 1 July 2021 employers will be required to contribute 10% of wages, with the Government contributing 70%.
  • From 1 August 2021, the employer contribution increases to 20% and the Government will contribute 60%.
  • 30 September 2021: scheme closes.

Employees will continue to receive 80% of their current wages, up to £2,500 a month.


Who do you have to inform and consult?

The duty is to inform and consult appropriate representatives of the “affected employees”.

Note that the term “affected employees” means those who may be “affected by the proposed dismissals or who may be affected by measures taken in connection with those dismissals”. The term extends beyond those immediately at risk of dismissal to include those affected by measures associated with the redundancies.

“Appropriate representatives” can be:

  • The Trade Union (if recognised)
  • (For any roles not covered by collective recognition) any existing standing body of elected or appointed employee representatives (if already in place)
  • Employee representatives, who are elected specifically for redundancy consultation
How does a Public Body amend its contracts to enable continued payment to contractors?

The latest Cabinet Office guidance published Monday 6 April 2020 titled ‘Procurement Policy Note PPN 02/20: Additional guidance. FAQs and model terms for construction’ provides model deeds of variation for JCT and NEC3 contracts to provide for such payments to be made. As the Cabinet Office guidance states, legal advice is likely to be required to make sure that the model variations work with your specific contracts. Please contact one of our construction specialists if you need advice and assistance.

For a copy of the guidance note click here: